Who I am

I'll have a few new posts coming in this week but first I wanted to share a link to my personal blog. I do blog some of my personal/family updates on my Tony Spinelli Photography blog, but the majority of that stuff goes to my other blog. So if you're at all interested here's the link where you can check it out. It's a place where you'll find random updates to what I'm up to. Ok, its mostly photos of my son Anthony, but he's pretty cute so it's worth the look. So hover over the "Who Am I" tab in the top menu and click on "Personal Blog"

Or just be lazy and click HERE

Here are a couple samplers from my latest post


who does #2 work for??

This post is a little overdue but here we go. I celebrated my 32nd birthday (sounds so old) a little over a week ago and got 1 of the best presents ever! I got to see my little baby! #2. Yup #2 is on the way for those of you who didn't already know. The little guy/girl (too early to tell) was moving around like crazy and is look as healthy as can be! Deana, Anthony and I couldn't be more excited. Here are a few pics of the ultrasound below and a couple from my little birthday party with De and Ant. Enjoy!

interests of the week

Click the images to check out the original source

I like stamps

Great idea

yum...maybe some day

sweet bag





Cool factory I shot in last week


Post # 600! This time of year is a time of meetings, seminars, organizing, setting goals, refreshing, prepping and spending time with the family.   And also a time to get out and shoot some personal projects.  And of course my favorite subject is my little man Anthony.