Here's a small glimpse of some of my favorite moments from 2011 outside of the wedding world. Surely I missed some, but there are WAY too many photos to look through. ha. 2011 was a extremely busy, satisfying amazing year. I was able to travel to many different states, made a trip to Ireland for a wedding, got to take Ant to his first Disney World vacation and so many other things. My calendar was jam packed with stuff to do but I some how made it through. I absolutely love being able to make a living with my camera and there are many things that motivate me to improve and challenge me everyday. Like everyone else I do complain, get stressed out and struggle with my work life and life in general. Life's not easy!
There are a lot of little thing in life that motivate me to be a better photographer and a better person. But there is 1 thing that will drive me to be the best, more than anything else.
My family...Deana and Anthony. The 2 loves of my life. Words cannot describe what they mean to me. Anthony, since you have arrive into my life each day gets better (except when you're screaming my name at 3:30am when I went to bed at 1:30am). I still love you though. I live for seeing you smile, and for when you hug me when I come home from work. I live for our wrestling matches and your bear hugs. I live for the excitement on your face when you saw Mickey, or the way you tell mommy shes beautiful. I live for you buddy and thank you for the best year yet.
Deana, the most amazing wife! It's not easy being married to a wedding photographer...or at least I don't think it is. Working long hours on the weekends and long hours during the week. But some how you put up with me. You realize that I do all of this for you. You get me and I love that about you. Thanks for being such a great wife and an even better friend, but thank you the most for being the mother you are. Or as Ant would say (the best mommacita). You can't say anything around kids.
With that said, take a look at my 2011!