more tilt shift action

Here are a few of the last photos I took with the PC lens before I had to send it back. I think I'll be revisiting that lens shortly. The 3 shots are from inside of the Bristol ESPN campus.

v day

Happy valentine's day to everyone! Especially to my awesome, beautiful wife and my handsome son. I am truly blessed to have such a healthy, cute family! Here are a few images from this morning. Ant is all geared up for school with his vday shirt and vday cards for his friends.

tilt shift

or as nikon calls in, PC(perspective control). I rented the 45mm pc lens. I think I'm in love! I only had a few minutes to play around with it. I have to read up on how to use it a little more. Hopefully I can get out more tomorrow and play around with it. I plan on using it a little on saturday's engagement shoot. can't wait! Check out some of the images i captured today. nothing special.

in good hands

Just working on a little project with some antique cameras I have. A little sneak peek. Those are the hands of my father. Check back later for more on this.