Bridal Show

Well I'll be doing my 1st ever bridal show this coming weekend. I really haven't felt the need or was too crazy about doing bridal shows until the great people at the Connecticut Wedding Group asked me if I was interested. There show is unique from most other shows. They will be hosting couples who have already booked with 1 of their venues or is interested in booking with them. You can find out more info here: ::BRIDAL SHOW:: My Pops has been hard at work putting some of my ideas together for my booth design. He's more of the handy man than I am. I'll have some pictures to show after the weekend. Should be fun.

This years show will be at the Wadsworth Mansion in Middletown, CT

First Year

Well, last Saturday my baby boy Ant turned 1! What a year it's been. Ant you're my best buddy and the funniest little man I know.  I love you!! Check out the details from his party. It was insane. Yes, he even had a guestbook. As you will see it was a superhero theme. Thanks to my wife Deana for the planning. I always tell her she should be a party planner. Also thanks to Michelle for making Ant's cape, hat, bib and banners!! So talented.Also thanks to Christie for the unbelievable cake. How cool is that!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!