Off to Block Island for a short getaway. Back Friday and wedding at the Society Room on Saturday!
Happy Father's Day
My first Father's Day was the best!
Check out the shirt little Anthony had made.
Also Happy Father's Day to my Dad. You're the best.
I had to put this animation on the blog. Check out this little guy wrapping himself up in the blanket. He's a crazy roller now. Something new with him everyday!
Happy Mother's Day
Happy 1st Mother's Day to my wife!! Thanks for bringing little Ant into this world. He's a dream come true.
And Happy Mother's Day to my Mom...I'm a pretty lucky guy to have you as my mother. Hope all you mothers out there have an awesome day.
Happy Birthday Dad
Happy birthday Dad. I couldn't do what I'm doing without you.
Here's a vintage photo of my Dad and his Dad working in my Poppy's restaurant. Both great men.